Professional Staff

SA LAW, P.C.'s principal, Attorney Steven E. Arnold, is a highly respected and recognized Nationally Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer. Steve has decades of significant and successful law practice, trial, and appellate experience and has tried scores of cases to verdict for clients across the United States.  Steve is the responsible attorney who manages all client cases and litigation files, and often at the clients’ request. On a case-specific basis Steve has other attorneys and professional staff assist him with case requirements as may be necessary and appropriate. Steve’s law practice has evolved from decades in a traditional law firm model, as both the managing and founding law partner, to now a more modern network-based association with distinguished and experienced attorneys, legal support staff, MBA and IT professionals with whom Steve has employed, mentored, associated and closely worked with for many years. With these available professional staff resources Steve easily is able to manage complex and challenging cases and provide clients his in-depth experience and knowledge of case critical-issue analysis and strategic trial planning. Steve also manages case discovery and legal research to develop a clear understanding of subtle nuances and implications of case complexities, and to accomplish critical-case handling correctly and with more cost efficiencies. SA LAW, P.C. thus can provide corporate and individual clients with the benefit of large law firm resources by managing its business so SA LAW, P.C. can offer its clients competitive rates for superior legal services.